Group Work For Exhibition

Students learn social skills and practice effective listening and speaking skills from group projects. Furthermore, complex tasks can be broken into parts and steps, allowing time to understand topics due to discussion. Recently, my Advanced Brand Design course collaborated with a history class on campus. The college is celebrating its 75th Anniversary with an exhibition in June. I need to help with the designing of various types of collateral for the exhibition. I also need to research an artifact and communicate with professors, as well as students from the history course. Although this may seem like an individual project, there is collaboration occurring which is helpful for gaining insights and creating some consistency throughout the exhibition. At the moment, I am gathering research on mechanicals. Once I finish gathering more information regarding mechanicals, I will post another blog highlighting my findings. Collaboration can be effective in school and in a work setting. It not only helps the business reach their goals, but creates a healthy work culture which leads to better employee morale and brand consistency. In the end, having students or employees who know how to get their work done is good, but having a team of people who effectively collaborate is even better. 

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