GameStop Logo Review

Opening in 1984, originally as a software store, GameStop went through a few mergers and renames until becoming called GameStop in 1999. The gaming retailer’s logo from 1999-2000 consisted of the name “Gamestop,” but the letter “s” was lowercase and the word was surrounded by curved lines. The lines created an oval shape and only the colors black, and white were used. However, the start of the 21st century brought on a reshaping of the video game store’s image. More emphasis was put on the words “Game” and “Stop,” and both became capitalized. The color scheme was changed to black and red, and the logo shifted horizontally. Having a wide typeface promotes a strong image for the company. Oddly, GameStop’s logo briefly became all red in March 2021, but was changed again just six months later. Currently, the logo is back to black and red, but there are a few subtle changes. The colors are a lighter hue, and the letters are more rounded. GameStop’s logo is simple yet bold and reminds me of the curved typeface of Amazon, yet the color palette of YouTube. Ultimately, the black and red rounded letters convey a powerful, respected, yet playful brand identity. 

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